Empowering our girls: the BLAZE ministry in Catholic schools

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Guest blog written by Sarah Grey, assistant superintendent of Catholic schools

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:26-28

The human body is a gift, and we are called to glorify God’s creation in our differences as male and female. Through our curriculum and teaching of Theology of the Body, our students are formed in this truth in our Catholic schools. This year, 12 of our elementary schools (listed below), will enhance this teaching by introducing the BLAZE ministry to their middle school girls. Funding for this initiative came from the Project Rachel Ministry through Catholic Charities, where each participating school was gifted the leadership guides for initial implementation of the program. Schools have the option to purchase additional materials, including journals or supplemental kits to use with their students. 

BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry that was created to counteract the way society drives girls to question their true worth and beauty. Through BLAZE, it is emphasized how a girl's identity is rooted in Christ as God's chosen, beloved daughter. An antidote to bullying, anxiety, and body-image issues, BLAZE replaces lies with truth and strengthens girls from the inside out through Scripture-based learning.

Through the 20-lesson program, girls will receive practical teaching to help them navigate social media, identity issues, and the drama of friendships. Each lesson compares the lies of this world with the truth found in Scripture. Emotional health and spiritual resiliency will result.

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Greenville initiated their BLAZE group this year. Two teachers will gather 5th-8th grade girls for lunch once a week. They will use the leader guide and adapt the lessons to fit the needs of the girls at their various developmental stages, while giving students the opportunity to reflect on the lessons through group conversation and individual journaling.

Principal, Tonya Saladin, says, “We want girls to understand that they are daughters of God and recognize their dignity and value. To be able to develop healthy, meaningful relationships with others and with themselves, and to focus on the most important relationship they can pursue, the one with God. They deserve to know the truth of the Catholic faith at these early ages, in communion with one another, and understand their purpose.”

When asked why Catholic Charities wanted to help fund this program, Katie Mendenhall, Catholic Charities’ Parish Engagement Specialist, stated, “This program will help them with body positivity, modesty, and creating healthy friendships and relationships. By God’s design, every daughter is meant to be delighted in, securely loved, blessed, affirmed, nurtured, taught, disciplined, and given direction in life. Our goal is to ignite their hearts with truth, identifying the lies that try to take root in their hearts and replace them with the life-giving truths of Jesus.”

To read more about BLAZE and the Walking with Purpose ministry, click here. 

Participating schools include:

  • All Saints Academy 
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School
  • Divine Providence Academy
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School
  • Ludington Area Catholic School
  • St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
  • St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School
  • St. Mary Catholic School (Big Rapids)
  • St. Patrick Catholic School (Parnell)
  • St. Patrick Catholic School (Portland)
  • St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School
  • St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School