Thank you for your interest in Holy Spirit Catholic School. We are more than a school; we are a Christ-centered parish that is guided by the Spirit to live and spread God’s word. The strength of our school comes from teachers, parents, and parishioners who are committed to providing children with the tools and resources needed to achieve their fullest potential.
Holy Spirit is dedicated to preparing our students for life on earth, as well as life in heaven with God. By instilling a solid foundation of faith, academics, and self-discipline in every child, we believe that students will be ready for life. A personal relationship with Jesus, strong intellectual skills, and the ability to make wise choices based on Gospel values will serve our students for years to come.
We look forward to partnering with you to develop your child spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. Together we can prepare young disciples to be the light of the world. The investment that you make in your child will pay dividends for life.
Pat Kalahar
Our mission at Holy Spirit School is to learn, live, and share the message and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The academic environment at Holy Spirit is Christ-centered and marked by excellence through challenging coursework, outstanding teaching, and personal attention. Our school caters to a wide variety of academic levels and learning styles, offering honors classes, differentiated instruction, and supplemental support. Teachers are responsible for integrating faith into every class while meeting the rigor of an accelerated curriculum.
We are accredited every year by the Michigan Non-public Schools Accreditation Association (MNSAA). Our students perform remarkably while they are at Holy Spirit, as well as in high school. Our Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) standardized test scores place us in the top 15% of the United States, and 88% of our recent graduates are on the honor roll after their first term at a Catholic high school.
Through a concerted effort to promote the message and teachings of Jesus Christ, our students are given the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to be the light of the world. We also strive to have our students take the message and teachings of Jesus Christ and use them as their moral compass for life.
Students spend over 30 hours per week in faith formation, including:
• Daily religion class and prayer
• Faith incorporated across the curriculum
• Weekly all-school Mass
• Praise celebrations
• Living Stations of the Cross
• Sacramental preparation
• Christian outreach
• Super Friend program
• Eucharistic adoration
At Holy Spirit School, we believe that learning does not stop when the bell rings at the end of the school day. A well-rounded student is one of the aspirations of our mission statement, so our students have the opportunity to continue their faith and skill development through more than 20 extracurricular activities.
Our boys and girls athletic program is open to 5th – 8th grade students, and we compete in the Grand Rapids Area Catholic Elementary Athletic Council (GRACEAC). Boys can join our football, soccer, cross country, basketball, baseball, tennis, and track teams. Girls can join our volleyball, tennis, cross country, basketball, soccer, softball, track, and cheerleading teams.
We are blessed to have a children’s choir, spring musical, chess club, robotics club, student council, Little Flowers, and Girls on the Run as further opportunities for students to explore their interests.

2222 Lake Michigan Dr. NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
United States