We strive to provide our students with a strong Catholic foundation and a curriculum of high academic standards. St. Michael School has a long history of quality education and Catholic tradition.
The present administration, faculty and staff are committed to continuing this tradition of excellence. Each child is treated as a unique individual. All decisions are made with the growth of our students' mind, body and spirituality as the first consideration.
We encourage participation from our community. With your support and commitment to academic excellence, we will go forward together.
St. Michael Catholic School is committed to providing students with a Christ-centered education, while establishing and maintaining a safe environment with spiritual and academic standards that aid students in striving for their highest potential.
St. Michael School offers a rigorous and challenging curriculum. We have a large group of parent volunteers and classroom aides who can assist the teachers with general tasks in the classroom. This additional staff allows our teachers to focus on instruction and planning. We are also very fortunate to have both a computer lab and many additional Chromebooks available to the students. We purchase Moby Max software and we also use Khan Academy to supplement instruction. We also partner with the local public school and receive services through Title I and Title II. We have a full time Title I teacher working with students in math and reading.
St Michael School begins and ends each day with prayer. The opportunity to lead weekly Mass is rotated among the classes with all of our students participating in the liturgy. Our non-Catholic students take part in all of our faith activities. We also develop themes based on the liturgical calendar. During October, we learned about the mysteries and prayed the rosary daily. During Lent, we will incorporate the Stations of the Cross into our religion lessons and learn the meaning of each station. All of these activities are in addition to daily religion lessons.
Our educational programming is designed to enrich our students outside of just the core subjects. St. Michael School offers our students, preschool through sixth grade, special courses in Spanish, art and music. We have special programs we participate in such as our Christmas program and our Celebration of the Arts evening. We offer the community an opportunity to experience our growth and appreciation of the arts.
We are also fortunate to provide athletic competition for our older students. We belong to an athletic conference in our area. We compete in boys' and girls' basketball and volleyball for our students in fourth through sixth grade.

8944 50th Ave.
Remus, MI 49340
United States