St. Paul the Apostle School is located in southeast Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has served students in grades preschool through eighth for more than 50 years.
Ours is a community of love and faith.
St. Paul the Apostle School is not just a school, it’s a vital part of the faith community of St. Paul the Apostle Parish. This faith-filled Catholic community is a dynamic expression of Christ’s love in the world today; an expression reflected in the tremendous support that the church and school provide each other. Our students are a bright and vibrant thread woven into the fabric of our faith community. Their eager participation in our weekend liturgies is a constant reminder of the enduring value of an education founded on Christ’s teachings.
Faith is a part of every subject in the St. Paul curriculum; students pray daily, attend weekly liturgy, prepare for and receive sacraments, take active roles in parish life, and participate in many service projects to benefit those in need in the local, national and global community.
Parents are key to the rich educational and spiritual experience at this school. We acknowledge the family as the primary educator of children, and the staff collaborates with parents in all aspects of the St. Paul experience. Parents volunteer as event chaperones, room parents, coaches, library assistants, and classroom and playground helpers, actively supporting a safe and nurturing educational environment that promotes learning.
We invite you to visit this community of love and faith and to see for yourself the commitment we make to every child.
Saint Paul the Apostle School forms the whole child to “live life to the full” through an innovative and dynamic Catholic education within a strong parish community.
At St. Paul the Apostle, all students at the elementary and primary levels are given the opportunity to move ahead in subject areas. In junior high we offer advanced math and literature and our MAPS scores exceed national averages. Our math grouping is based on MAPs strands and all students in K-8 use the Lucy Calkins Writing Program. In addition, our students have access to Smart boards, document cameras, iPads, laptops in the classroom, as well as a full computer lab, plus a resource/sensory room. Our students attend music, gym and art once a week provided by shared time teachers.
To enrich the faith life of our students, St. Paul the Apostle not only provides opportunities for students to attend all-school Masses, retreats and service projects, they are also given the responsibility to serve in leadership roles in their faith formation. Our students lead prayer every morning, they plan and participate in liturgies as readers, ushers, gift bearers, musicians, and altar servers, and they help orgranize Advent prayer services and Lenten Stations of the Cross.
Moving beyond the classroom, our students' education is complemented through programs such as drama, band, Science Olympiad, Camp Roger, recycling, choir for students in grades 3-8, and GR Symphony Artist in Residence. Sports are offered for grades 5-8, we support Girls on the Run and Cougar Dash, and the Knights of Columbus sponsor a free throw competition. We provide camps for 5th and 8th grade students, and scholastic competitions range from Americanism to Spelling and Geography.

2750 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids , MI 49546
United States