More than 6,400 students in our 31 Catholic schools across the Diocese of Grand Rapids celebrated national Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 26 - Feb. 1. This year’s theme was “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.” And what fun we had!
Bishop Walkowiak's Messages
This week, Bishop had many opportunities to promote Catholic schools and all the good they do. He started the week at Holy Spirit Catholic School where he said Mass and visited the eighth grade classroom.
He exchanged letters (below) with the presidents at our two local post-secondary institutions in town - Aquinas College and Harmel Academy of the Trades. All three leaders expressed continued dedication to the mission of Catholic schools, as well as the important role Catholic schools play in evangelization of our share faith. He also shared letters with current parents and supporters of Catholic schools.
On January 28, the Office of Catholic Schools invited every school to Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew where Bishop (and many other members of our clergy) presided. The nearly 500 students and staff in attendance reverently celebrated the Eucharist together and heard Bishop's homily reiterating the importance of love, wanting the best for another. Listen to his full homily here: https://youtu.be/FMquqS9pEjA?feature=shared And see photos from the day in this Flickr album.
Later in this important week, Bishop led the liturgies at Sacred Heart Parish and West Catholic High School (where Father Nick Baker was welcomed as WCHS's new co-chaplain). Bishop extended his time at SHA on the Feast of St. John Bosco to receive the Oath of Fidelity from their staff.
We are so grateful to our bishop! He continuously support our efforts, lifts us up in prayer, and leads our students as a true shepherd.
A Part of the Global Church
Thousands of children across the United States Midwest came together on January 28, on the occasion of Catholic Schools Week, to pray the World Mission Rosary, via Zoom. Organized by the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA), one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies, the prayer initiative united students from 77 Catholic elementary schools across 14 dioceses, including us! Read the Vatican News article for more details.
State Recognition
We are blessed to have many Catholic school supporters at the state government level. Offered by Senators Bellino, Lindsey, Santana, Huizenga, Theis, Webber, Lauwers, Nesbitt, Outman, Wojno, McMorrow and Albert, the Michigan State Senate officially recognized January 26 - February 1 as Catholic Schools Week. Within it, there are many points of pride that support the statement, "WHEREAS, The common good of the state of Michigan is strengthened through the continued existence of Catholic schools." Read the full text here or embedded below.
Local Coverage
- Closer to home, you could feel the excitement around Catholic Schools Week wherever you looked. On Thursday morning, Fox17's Morning Mix audience heard from a proud Catholic school mom, Christina Brown. Christina has six children ... three who went through preschool through 12th grade at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School and Catholic Central High School respectively, one is a current student at CCHS, and two who still attend IHM. She shared why our schools were an important choice for her family and continues to influence them today. When asked, "What would you say to someone who is considering Catholic schools?" she said, "...you want your kids to have integrity, moral virtue, ...and to be service-minded, to have gratitude, Catholic schools are really where it's at." Watch the full interview here: https://www.fox17online.com/morning-mix/diocese-of-grand-rapids-highlights-catholic-education-during-catholic-schools-week
- On our diocesan social media pages, photos, stories, and reels were shared far and wide. Our most popular post of the school year recognized teachers and staff in our schools who are celebrating milestone years of service. See this impressive list of educators in this flipbook:
- All of the above paints a picture of an important and inspiring week, but the real action happens at our schools. Each school really went above and beyond in their efforts to "unite in faith and community," as well as intentionally celebrate daily themes (below). To see a bit of the fun, click through these awesome photos from our schools!
- Sunday: Celebrating Your Parish
- Monday: Celebrating Your Community
- Tuesday: Celebrating Your Students
- Wednesday: Celebrating the Nation
- Thursday: Celebrating Vocations
- Friday: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
- Saturday: Celebrating Families
We had a blast and hope you did too! Until next year ...happy Catholic Schools Week!
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Grand Rapids are an alliance of 31 vibrant learning communities (26 elementary and five high schools) serving more than 6,400 preschool through 12th grade students throughout West Michigan. Our schools inspire young people to grow in Catholic faith and grace, achieve more in school and life, develop creativity and character, and feel welcomed and cherished for their unique gifts. We partner with parents to awaken the whole child to a world of light and life — that grows better and brighter when children reach their potential.
Approximately 1.7 million children across the United States attend Catholic schools. Catholic Schools Week began in 1974 and is a joint project of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).