“Catholic education is the Church’s most effective means of evangelization.” - Bishop David J. Walkowiak
After a positive preschool experience, Dana and Gabe Morris looked to enroll their oldest daughter, Madi, in a similar loving environment for Kindergarten. In the beginning, the draw to St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Greenville was not the Catholic faith - but it was smaller than the local public school district and located in town. Within minutes of touring the school, they knew they found home. “Mrs. Dewitt squatted down to Madi’s level and talked to her even before she talked to me,” said Dana. “I loved that she was treated with dignity and respect from the start.”
Now, both Morris girls attend St. Charles - Gabby is in first grade and Madi in fifth grade - and come home reciting prayer after prayer and eagerly attend weekly school Mass. Madi tells her parents in great detail all the events leading up to Easter. The girls are full of joy and love for their classmates and teachers. They are constantly looking for ways and reasons to help others.
Experiencing so much evangelization from her Catholic school children, Dana was motivated to do some research into the faith and reach out to St. Charles’ RCIA program. She was surprised to see how closely her values and ideals aligned with the Catholic faith. After much studying and preparation, Dana and her daughters were baptized into the Church on Easter in 2022.
Now the draw IS the Catholic faith and, together, living a Eucharistic life. Madi is an altar server this year and Gabby prays whenever she hears sirens. The girls participate in the group “Little Flowers” where they learn about female saints and do activities related to each saint’s story. Dana is so hopeful for the future and sharing her newfound faith with as many people that will listen!
This could be your Catholic school story, too! Enroll now for the 2024-25 school year. Click here to start the process.