In Gratitude

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Thanksgiving Day is typically thought of as a national holiday, however, the idea of giving thanks also is an essential part of daily Catholic life. As a Church family, we celebrate a thanksgiving meal every Sunday within the context of the Mass which is first and foremost a prayer of thanksgiving. In fact, the word Eucharist comes from the Greek for “thanksgiving.”

Several of the reasons we go to Mass may be the same reasons we look forward to gathering on Thanksgiving Day: as a response of gratitude to God’s love and generosity in our lives; to strengthen bonds with our family or community, and to provide a legacy to younger generations. 


Whatever your plans today, know you are always invited to join us at Mass. Contact your parish, or find one near you, for Thanksgiving Day Mass times. We wish you and your loved ones a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday!

And for more ways to say thanks, please visit