Instructional time during COVID-19 closure

Grand Rapids Schools Logo

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) issued a memorandum on March 20, 2020, regarding hours and days of instruction for public schools during this closure. Since the 31 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Grand Rapids are not public schools or public charter schools (also known as public school academies or PSAs), we follow the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS) guidelines and diocesan calendar standards rather than MDE requirements.

The instruction which Catholic school students are currently receiving through remote learning will be counted, and Catholic schools in the diocese will continue to deliver instruction. We believe it is in the best interest of our students to continue their Catholic education during this unprecedented time.

We are grateful to the teachers, school leaders, boards, and pastors throughout our alliance of Catholic schools whose tireless efforts enable this instruction and maintain a sense of school community. We are grateful also to families for their commitment to Catholic education.

As people of faith, let us pray for all affected by this virus, especially those who have died and for all health care workers who are working diligently to protect us during this time.
