Statewide award recognizes teacher’s innovation in the classroom

Dressander Award

First grade teacher Mrs. Angie Dressander of St. Stephen Catholic School in East Grand Rapids has been recognized for incorporating technology into her lesson plans in innovative ways.

The Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) has honored Mrs. Dressander with the 2017 Technology Using Teacher Award. Mrs. Dressander received the award at MACUL’s annual conference March 15-17 in Detroit.

Mrs. Dressander uses technology in several ways to provide appropriate level learning, spark student interest, and communicate with parents. Her students use iPads and Chromebooks in order to work at their precise math and reading levels. They also use iPads to write stories and to record “1st Grade News” videos. Students even use iMovie to make videos promoting class events and books they’re reading. On top of these activities, Mrs. Dressander also uses a green screen to create photos of students in different settings, which are then used as writing prompts.

To communicate with parents, Mrs. Dressander uses the Bloomz app to share with families information about upcoming events, pictures, sign-ups, and other notices.

In addition to serving her students, Mrs. Dressander has inspired her colleagues at St. Stephen Catholic School to use technology creatively in the classroom, too, according to Principal Ms. Cindy Thomas. Mrs. Dressander has become a technology resource and helps other teachers.

Congratulations, Mrs. Dressander!

St. Stephen Catholic School serves 200 students in preschool through 8th grade. Learn more about St. Stephen Catholic School here.