What Parents Say: Dreams for the Future

We recently asked parents about their child’s dreams for the future and how their Catholic school is helping him or her get there. They shared some amazing testimonials!

One family from St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School said Catholic education is fostering their children’s compassion for all people and God’s creation, as their daughter dreams about owning and running a horse farm.

This compassion extends well beyond just one family. Another child from St. Anthony stated her desire to help those less fortunate than her throughout the community.

R: “I want to help those less fortunate in my community, that’s one of my dreams for the future, and my Catholic education teaches me how to do that.”@SAPYOUTH @JennyPudelko @SAYWHATgr #lovemycatholicschool @dogrschools pic.twitter.com/P2dEDyGqxD

— Julia Gravelyn (@JuliaGravelyn) August 23, 2019

A Catholic education in the Diocese of Grand Rapids allows students to achieve more in school and life as they aspire to reach their personal potential. Our Catholic schools provide an outstanding personalized learning experience known to not only boost academics, but connect students with differing strengths and interests, and provide inspiration and opportunities to excel. Sara Brechting Farhat from Holy Trinity has children who want to be an engineer and a mom. She summarizes the topic nicely.

If you are interested in the brightest future for your child, consider touring a Catholic school near you!

Give your family the lifelong benefits of Catholic education. Start enrolling today!

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