Celebrate Catholic Schools Week: Feel Welcomed and Cherished
It’s Celebrate Catholic Schools Week, and in collaboration with the National Catholic Educational Association, we’re showcasing the gift of Catholic education!
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week: Develop Creativity and Character
As we continue to Celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we’re collaborating with the National Catholic Educational Association to showcase everything that sets Catholic schools apart!
Diocese of Grand Rapids announces Faith & Future Scholarship and free tuition drawings
A new scholarship will support families’ investment in Catholic education in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Beginning fall 2020, every kindergartner, 6th grader, and 9th grader in the diocese’s 31 Catholic schools will be eligible for the Faith & Future Scholarship, worth $100 toward tuition. There is also a bonus of $50 if the student completed 5th or 8th grade at one of the diocese’s Catholic schools, for a total possible scholarship value of up to $150.
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week: Achieve More in School and Life
This week we are taking the time to Celebrate Catholic Schools Week in collaboration with the National Catholic Educational Association.
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Grand Rapids
More than 6,340 students in 31 Catholic schools across the Diocese of Grand Rapids are celebrating national Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 26 - Feb. 1.
Pilgrims travel to March for Life; all five Catholic high schools represented
The event is an opportunity to pray and peacefully protest the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, and to promote the gift and sanctity of life.
Support Catholic education during the “Many Gifts, One Nation” event
The 24-hour giving event begins on Jan. 28, during Celebrate Catholic Schools Week.
Three Catholic high schools included in Grand Rapids Promise Scholarship
This new college scholarship program is for Grand Rapids residents graduating from a high school within the city, starting with the class of 2020.
Our Lady of Consolation cuts ribbon on school addition
The new construction adds six classrooms to the school.
Memories of aunt & uncle inspire Holy Spirit student’s passion for Haiti fundraiser
Carter’s aunt and uncle gave their lives while serving Holy Spirit’s sister parish on a mission trip in Haiti.